Stop Negativity

How to Stop Negative Thoughts:

Have you ever had one of those days, where you wake up and notice all that is going wrong instead of all that is right? Your alarm is too loud, it’s too sunny outside, you should’ve prepared more for your day, “ I never do anything right.” “ I should’ve , would’ve, could’ve.” Have you ever been there? I think we all have from one time or another. What I just described is Negativity. Feeling stuck in negativity. Sometimes our syncronicity of thoughts ask for our attention and you just cannot stop thinking. “ If you stay in your head, you’re dead.” Tony Robins

When you find your self stuck in the negativity, it’s best to break out of it. How do you do this, you may ask? Do something different. Like:


Be with Friends

Hike, or Be in Nature

Get a Good Nights Sleep

Do something that is Out of your Normal

These are all examples of physically breaking the pattern to get your mind unstuck. There is a mind body connection. When your mind tells you that you are stressed, scared or depressed, your body reacts to these thoughts. Notice how your body responds when you feel threatened or scared, do your muscles tense, palms sweat, or stomach feel upset? If so, these body sensations have been affected by your thoughts.

So what can you do to help get out of the negativity?

Be Mindful when overthinking happens. Notice your thoughts. Take notice when most of your thoughts are negative. Your mind tends to think of problems that it cannot solve. It doesn’t focus on the moment often becaue it can’t visualize what hasn’t happened. Although, your mind can re-evaluate problems that have not been solved.

A technique I teach in therapy is the “ Reboot “ technique. When you notice a thought that is negative, yell ( or say to yourself) STOP. Next Erase, Reboot & Reprogram. There are hand gestures and thought replacement involved in this technique. Many of my clients have had fun with it and say it really works. Thought replacement is a great way to gain control of your negative thoughts and break free of the negativity.

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