sibbling fighting

Building Strong Family

#TrueLifeCounselingTips, #FamilyFriday, # Building Strong Family

Families are full of different personalities, sibling & parents. The only thing consistent about a family is it's unique, it's personal, it's important.

How do you build a Strong Family?

What should you do if a member of your family is struggling? There are lots of different schools of thought for this. I'd like to share the Empowerment Leadership Model. The parent focuses on the family as a unit. If one person is struggling, the parents role is to look at the entire family, how can each member pitch in and help the one who is struggling?  This not only helps the struggling family member, but builds the family up and causes all it's members to grow. The family works together to overcome barriers and obtain family purpose. When the family purpose is accomplished, the family feels empowered, encouraged and bonded together. The empowerment model shows the family how strong they are together instead of how comfortable they are as a family. Isn't that the benefit of being in a family anyways? Not being alone,  but being strong together.

