Marriage tips from the Pros

Communicating with your Spouse, how to have effective communication with the one you love.

Want to learn how to have better communication in your marriage? Wondering what marriage tips will help ? Not sure where to start helping your marriage?

Communication is Key when it comes to marriage. Remember those times when you were dating and you asked each other questions, listened to your partner’s ideas, thoughts and desires, THEN said something back to them so they felt understood? Yep, I’m talking about dating conversations. I see many couples in my office happily talk about the dating life when their spouse cared about what they said and wanted to get to know them. I see couples reminisce about these times and the romance they felt. If you want to feel closer to your spouse, want better communication and am not sure how to do that, you’re not alone. Here are some tips to help you get started.

First, take the challenge of deciding to be the one in your marriage to take the first step. Have you ever said to yourself “ Well, I’m gonna let him make the first move? “ If so, I’m gonna stop you there. If both you and your spouse adopt this attitude, you will both let your fun times, intimacy, good talks, fun romance and even great sex pass you by. Stand up and decide in this moment that it is worth it To YOU to DO SOMETHING !! Kindness has a chain reaction. Here are some examples of things you can start doing and saying that will jump start better communication.

  • Greet Your Spouse with a Kiss

  • Ask Your Spouse How His/Her Day Was and Be On His/Her Team when you’re told the events.

  • If your spouse is upset, ask” Is there anything I can do to help.”

  • Bring your spouse a drink of water when you get one for yourself

  • Send your spouse a cute text during the day.

  • Talk highly of your spouse to your children in front of him/her

  • Have your spouse’s back. Remember you chose this person to marry, chose then again this day !

    These are all examples of how to get great communication started. Choose TODAY and DO SOMETHING !! It really can be anything as long as it’s not nothing. One more thing, decide that you will not be too discouraged if it doesn’t turn out how you desire. Try, try & try again. The least that will happen is your spouse will notice you doing something different, and that could create the ripple of change you are wanting. When your spouse feels loved and important, those feelings will be reciprocated.

  • I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples. - Mother Teresa

    I’d love to hear what works for you. Remember your marriage is worth it !!

Natalie Teeters, MS Psychotherapist